FAQ / Taiwan-Based High Precision Ground Gears & Gear Increaser/Reducer For 40 Years | Shiuh Cheng Precision Gear Co., Ltd.

Gear Profile Modification

Gear Profile Modification

What is the gear relieving?

According to the relieving direction, it can be divided into two types:
1.Profile modification :
Tip relieving is the general term for tooth tip and root modification, Tip relieving is widely used. Appropriate dressing can avoid the interference during the rotation, also reduce the noise and increase service life time.

2.Lead modification:
Can be divided into both end relieving and crowning relieving , The purpose is to distribute the force evenly on the tooth width through relieving when the tooth surface bears the force.
Appropriate relieving can improve transmission efficiency and life, but excessive trimming will reduce the contact area and affect the gear strength.


Introduction of What is the gear relieving? | Taiwan-Based High Precision Ground Gears & Gear Increaser/Reducer For 40 Years | Shiuh Cheng Precision Gear Co., Ltd.

Located in Taiwan since 1994, Shiuh Cheng Precision Gear Co., Ltd. is a precision gear manufacturer. Main products, including level JIS O and German DIN4 level of precision ground gears and gear increasers/reducers.

With more than 40 years design and manufacturing gear increaser and reducer experience, SC GEAR is specialized in customizing precision gears and provide customized gearbox, overhaul, and reverse engineering services.

SC GEAR has been offering customers high-quality gears and gearboxes since 1994, both with advanced technology and 40 years of experience, SC GEAR ensures each customer's demands are met.